Monday, April 2, 2007

Lending a Helping Hand

Jeremy's got control of the blog now (insert maniacal laughter here). This weekend Tim, Bobby, Riley and I helped a widowed lady from our church clear some unwanted brush and tree limbs from her yard. I thought this would be a nice gesture as well as a teachable moment for Riley. This picture of Bobby, Tim and I turned out much gayer than I had imagined.

As you can see Riley worked hard and was a big help, he's such a hoss.
We also found a small grass snake that Riley took home to show Bailey. She was quite frightened by it. We new better than to show it to Jill, she wouldn't even let us set it free in our front yard so we had to let it go across the street.


Cheryl's Cave said...

Did you name the snake Budweiser?

Anonymous said...

I was not frightened.


Anonymous said...

nadirah: why did you put it across the street