Saturday, April 7, 2007

You want to what?

On Thursday morning I got a phone call from Kendall's (Riley's friend) mom who wanted to know if it was okay for Kendall and her friends to tp our house. At first I was a little surprised because where I grew up that was more of a sign of disprespect than admiration. I also thought it best to run this by Jeremy first since he would more than likely help Riley clean it up. After getting his okay we told them to go for it. So everything was going as planned. The girls came by and tp'd our house while the boys secretly tp'd Kendall's. Funny thing is around 1:30a.m. I hear a knock on the front door. Of course I was quite out of it after having been asleep for a couple of hours already, but I realized quickly that the police were at the door. I quickly opened the door and explained to him that we knew that house had been tp'd and that we had actually given our permission. He found that a bit strange and had been more than ready to pursue this since the girls had written their names all over the driveway! Riley ended up spending the night at a friends so he didn't get to see the house until Saturday morning. When he got home he was very eager to tell us all about the night. How the boys snuck up on the girls while they were working on Ryan King's house, sprayed them with silly string, totally surprised them with Kendall's papering, then how they all ended up hanging out at the Kings and later at Kendall's for cake. If Riley has his say he'll definitely be doing this again!

1 comment:

Cheryl's Cave said...

Oh no! Puh-leeze tell me that this isn't starting already! I am far too young to have a grandchild noticing the opposite gender...which is ultimately what this is all about.

I got a little smile thinking about your Keller Columbo stumbling upon a "crime" he felt he could solve. ;-) The real crime was his waking you up at 1:30am!!!