This morning I had a really funny conversation with Riley. Yesterday all the boys from Mrs. Pugh's class were lined up in the hall. The girls had already been dismissed to wherever they were going and the boys at the end of the line decided this was a good time to do the wave. Mrs Pugh says to the boys "if you think you can do the wave then go ahead." Well, they obviously did not pick up on her tone so naturally all the boys now followed suit. Riley did not understand why she then got mad. I began to explain to him that she did not really mean what she said. That she was actually saying if you think you can disobey, go ahead, and we won't move until you are obedient. I tried to tell him that if she sounds like she's mad she probably is and that she doesn't mean exactly what she's saying. He still
seeemed a little confused so I said it's the reason why dad tells me to respond to you with a definitive answer. I'm in this bad habit of answering Riley with whatever, I don't care or some other vague response. Jeremy keeps trying to remind me that Riley, as a man, doesn't get that and that it sends him into confusion. Apparently Jeremy's dead on. Riley's exact words were "yeah I don't get that I mean all I wanted was a granola bar" and "when you say that I just ask dad anyway"
Poor kid...it's only beginning for him too.
Don't worry Riley, maybe one day we will fully understand women. Something tells me we've only scratched the surface.
I dont get it
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