Monday, August 27, 2007

Back to School

After a long summer I'm sad to say that it's back to school. I love having my kids home so I'm always a little down when school starts. This year will be kind of tricky picking up and dropping off because Riley has to be at school 45 minutes before Bailey for football practice. I guess she'll have to get up early, be ready and I'll just have to drive back and forth. I'm not complaining though I only have 3 more years of driving Riley to school! Both of the kids are a little apprehensive about returning. Bailey ended up getting the one teacher she didn't want ~ Mr. Thomason. I think having a guy is kind of scary for her. And Riley is mostly concerned with finding his way around a new school without getting lost ~ I remember that feeling!


Cheryl's Cave said...

I remember that feeling too. I was concerned about being able to get to my locker and get what I needed for each class, and then getting to class on time....maybe that's where my timing got off?

Riley and look great, have an awesome school year. Bailey, I'm so proud of how you're doing your hair. I actually think it looks nicer than when your mom did it (hope I don't get in trouble). ;-)

Jill Vaughan said...

I need to take a picture of Bailey in her new clothes. I wanted her to wear them Monday but she insisted I let her wear them Sunday and then they got dirty. She went back to Target and bought a skirt and a pair of shoes to match the shirt you two picked out. Oh, we also found that pink shirt she wanted too. She's a pretty good shopper. As soon as I get them re-ironed I'll get a picture for ya'.

Cheryl's Cave said...

I'll look forward to that. I'm glad she was able to find some more things she liked. She really liked a set of pajamas that were Sponge Bob. It was actually 2 pair together, but they were a bit expensive and far too warm for a few months yet...but just to let you know.