Wednesday, August 22, 2007

He's Close

The other day when we were at the circus my brother said he thought Riley was taller than me. When we got home we measured and we thought he'd finally out grown me but my hair was really messy so I didn't want Jeremy to take a picture. The next day after I had showered and fixed my hair we stood back to back again but this time we seemed to be at exactly the same heighth??? In this picture it looks like I'm still a little taller but really it's just my hair. Plus if you look closely you'll notice that his shoulders are actually higher than mine. Anyway, I will post as soon as he passes me. I always said I thought it would be by 13!

1 comment:

Glad said...

Do you feel mixed emotions about that? Killian is no more than an inch shorter than me, which makes him close to 5'5", and he just turned 12! I'm happy that he's getting tall, but sad too, if you know what I mean.