Friday, June 1, 2007

Riley's First Job

Earlier this week Riley delivered the flyer's he'd printed to start mowing lawns. He has been practicing since last summer and now he feels comfortable doing it on his own. The same day he sent out the flyer's he actually got a call which was very exciting for him. So off he went to mow his first lawn, well his first paying customer anyway. Things didn't go exactly as planned and he had to come home and get the mower fixed. For some crazy reason the mower just wouldn't start. He's never had a problem with this before so naturally he was disappointed. After Jeremy looked at it later that evening he was ready to finish, but it was raining. The next morning around 8:30 he was up and ready to go, he headed out again. This time I had to call him home because severe weather was heading our direction and was scheduled to arrive in the next 5 minutes. It was raining a little as he pushed the mower back home and before he was even in the house it was pouring! The sun actually came out after the storm, so he was finally able to finish this lawn and get paid. It may not have gone exactly as planned, but I am super proud of him! And the lawn looked great when he was all through.


Cheryl's Cave said...

I'm just not sure that I'm ready for how grown up my grandson is these days.

I'll be he did a really good job. Wish he lived closer! ;-)

Jeremy said...
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Jeremy said...

Hey, Who's his little helper? How much did she get paid?

Becky said...

glad to hear this time went better...way to go Riley! -hey Jill have fun at the wedding-call if you can't find anything to wear:)

Cheryl's Cave said...

Yeah...who is his helper? I'll bet he gave her most of the money.