Saturday, June 30, 2007

Date Night

Jeremy and I decided to go to the Melting Pot for our date night. I've never been to a fondue restaurant before, but I thought it would be a lot of fun and we had a $25 gift certificate. Our waitress was a bit eager and I felt really rushed into a decision so when she showed up with the cheese fondue I was a little surprised because it was not at all what I was expecting. I thought they would bring us cheese to dip into something which Jeremy thought that was quite amusing. Anyway we had a fun night and I enjoyed the experience, but I wasn't all that crazy about the food. We passed on the chocolate fondue which is apparently pretty uncommon but I really wanted a Nestle cookie! After a cup of Starbucks, a cookie and a little window shopping we headed home. Bailey told Riley she'd play two games of his choice if he'd play two games of her choice ~ smart girl! Riley quickly agreed and after playing his two games there was no turning back and this is how we found them. As you can tell from the picture Riley was a little less into her "games" than she was!


Anonymous said...

Tell Riley that my girls would love to play with him, and they even have dresses that might fit.


Becky said...

oh my goodness...I am cracking up...too funny! I tell ya, he's a great sport...tell Bailey Becky says she a smart girl:) ...and their hair looks gorgeous!

Cheryl's Cave said...

Stylin' man...nice doo!