Monday, May 7, 2007

Hat Day

If you're surprised that Riley posed for this picture voluntarily you should know that he got paid off. Jeremy's mom found out that today was crazy hat day. Well, she really wanted to see the hat so she paid him to let me take a picture. So here it is. Riley was funny this morning though. After he took the picture of himself he took the hat off and put it back in his backpack because he said he wanted to make sure his friends were gonna' follow through. He's a pretty smart kid.


Cheryl's Cave said...

Yea! It was worth every penny to see this!

Anonymous said...

That's a kickin' hat there Riley!

Anonymous said...

If your mom didn't know better, I would say it was you. The other picture of Riley, Bailey and Nadirah at the hospital ( I made it my screen saver) everyone says Riley looks like Uncle Eric.

Marla said...

I didn't mean for that to be anonymous.