Monday, May 21, 2012

Meet Charlee

This our new golden retriever, Charlee. Bailey has wanted a dog since she was a little girl but Jeremy and I aren't really animal people, so we held off as long as we could. Finally, we gave Bailey a stray dog that Colleen found. He is a really good dog, but not a fun dog for her. So the begging started again!!! We had been looking and couldn't find one that was reasonably priced and not a lab until I stumbled across Charlee on Craigslist. Her first owner's have three small children and the mom quickly realized it was way too soon to have a pet. We drove way out into the country to meet her and immediately fell in love. The couple was so happy to find a family that really wanted her they gave us her, her crate, toys, bowls, leash, and food all for free! We brought her home to surprise Bailey and she cried she was so happy!!! She's a good and fun dog and we all love her. We had some issues naming her though. Her original owners named her Lily, which is cute but also the name of our niece so that couldn't work. Then we called her Chloe for a day and Riley decided he did not want to yell that name out in public :) Finally, we all agreed on Charlee. The first picture is one that we re-created for Bailey...long story. The second one is Bailey painting Charlee's toe nails (Riley was again not a fan) and finally the bottom one is Charlee now at 5 months.

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