Thursday, April 12, 2012

District Track Meet

Today, Riley competed at Eagle Mountain High School for a chance to go to Lubbock for the district track meet. For whatever reason he was just off all day. Only one boy successfully jumped 6'2" so he was the only one to immediately advance to district. There were three boys, Riley included, that successfully jumped 6'0" but only two could advance. At this point we were expecting a jump off and felt confident Riley would do well, since he had previously jumped 6'2". We were disappointed to find out that the determining factor would be the total jumps for each boy at each height. Riley had cleared the same height as the other boys, but it took him more jumps so he did not move on. He was really bummed and I felt so bad for him. I find watching my children hurt and not being able to fix it to be some of my most challenging mom moments. I know at times they need to experience pain and loss to grow, mature, and trust God despite the circumstances but it doesn't make it any less painful for me to watch.

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