Thursday, July 28, 2011

Weekend Getaway

Both of the kids ended up on trips at the same time, so Jeremy and I thought it was a good idea to take advantage of that and get away. We were going to go to Mexico, but I was not okay with leaving the country with the kids in other states so we went to Fredericksburg and Austin. We love Austin and every time we go we find new, fun things to do. This trip we decided to go with a "best of Austin" theme. We took in best of restaurants, coffee shops, and boutiques. Totally recommend Shady Grove, Home Slice, Cedar Door and Jo's Coffee Shop! There are a couple of pictures of us at Hamilton Preserve, a historic natural swimming pool. It's about a mile hike to the pool but so worth it. It was beautiful! When we finished swimming we decided to hike the other trail which was fun until I saw a huge, black snake. That really freaked me out. I know snakes are out there and I'm okay with that I just don't ever want to see them. We also wanted to visit Fredericksburg because we hear so much about it but have never been. We spent the last day of our trip in Fredericksburg visiting wineries and walking around on main street. For whatever reason Fredericksburg equals heavy incense/candle burning. Seriously some of the stores were so bad I couldn't even walk in them! My favorite shop was a surf shop. In the picture I'm on some sort of balancing fun. Wish I could remember what it was because I want one. Finally, we decided to hike Enchanted Rock before heading home and loved it! Glad we decided to go.

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