Monday, December 14, 2009

Learner's Permit

How can I possibly have a child old enough to drive??? I'm so excited for Riley, but so sad for me. I can't believe how fast he's growing up and I am NOT looking forward to him leaving. Today while we were shopping he tells me that he hates school, can't wait to be done and that he just wants to own a house...I must have the only 15 year old boy who's dream is to drive a sedan and own a home :) So back to the driving! Well, there are some things along the way that I decided were dad's responsibility; not limited to but including tying shoes, swimming and driving. Of course as soon as he got his permit he wanted to drive! I was really nervous but I knew it was important to him so I didn't want to say no. Lucky for me he's a great driver. I should count to see how many times I tell him to slow down.

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