Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nadirah's Driving

Me making her pose at the DMV.

Jeremy instructing on how to reverse out of the driveway.

Getting the seat, mirrors, etc...ready.

Off we go.

This summer Nadirah finally started driver's ed. You take three classes, take a test and then get your permit so you can get some practice driving at home before you have to drive with the school. So here she is for her first time behind the wheel. Other than scaring me to death by driving way too close to the right hand side of the road and any vehicle that may or may not be parked there she does pretty good and every time she drives she gets better and better.

1 comment:

Glad said...

OMG, I don't even dare think about the day Killian starts driving! I will not be able to ride with him, for fear of screaming in panic... Good luck, Nadirah! (and Jill)