Monday, December 22, 2008

The Nutcracker

On Friday Jeremy, Bailey and I went to see The Nutcracker perfomed at Bass Hall. Of course it was amazing! As the Snow Queen and the Nutcracker dance in the Land of Snow as the first act comes to a conclusion it actually "snows" inside. It was super cool and I'm sure this was one of the favorite moments especially for the kids. The performance started at 8:00 so Bailey was really tired; on school days she wakes up at 6:30! She was a trooper though and managed to stay awake until about half way through Act II. It was funny because even though she was sleeping when the audience clapped for a performance she'd jump right in there and then go right back to sleep. Jeremy is not really into theater, so he managed pretty well too. I only noticed him checking the synopsis twice...trying to figure out how much longer he had to endure.

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