Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hurricane Harbor with the KMS Choir

Guest Blogger: Jeremy

This month Nadirah's choir class got to go to Hurricane Harbor for an awards ceremony. Jill had originally signed up to be a chaperone but backed out when she decided that the water was going to be too cold for her liking. I told Jill I would go in her place and if the water was too cold for Nadirah and me, we could just play sand volleyball instead of swimming. Nadirah had a lot of fun hanging out with all of her friends from choir. The water was pretty cold but we were able to brave it anyway. We also got to play a couple of games of volleyball (if you can call it that) some of Nadirah's friends weren't too good at it. We had a great time but I have no idea what awards they won because that part of the day was LAME so we left early.

1 comment:

Glad said...

Come on, Jeremy, tell us how you REALLY feel about the awards part... ha ha!