Saturday, April 12, 2008

Indianette Try-outs

These last two weeks have been crazy busy!! Nadirah is trying out for the Keller High School Indianettes (our drill team) and for the past two weeks she's had prep-clinics, mandatory meetings, a workshop to learn two routine's (jazz and kick), mock tryouts, and then finally the much awaited official tryout. Obviously, tryouts are pretty intense and very intimidating. They had to perform each routine in front of a panel of five judges. So I picked up Nadirah from school on Friday and rushed over to my friend April's to fix her hair and makeup. We had about ten minutes to get her ready and get her to the high school on time. We dropped her off, brought her dinner and roses for encouragement. Gave hugs and kisses leaving nothing else to do but wait. It took all the way until 9:00 to finish tryouts and another hour before the results were posted, but it was well worth the wait. She made JV Indianettes and we are so proud of her! She's really excited for herself, but some of her friends didn't make the cut. She will start practicing in May and her first football game performance will be in September. Sorry I don't have any pictures to post but I forgot my camera.


Cheryl's Cave said...

Way to Go Nadirah!!!!



Glad said...

I forgive you, 'cause I know you will take lots of pictures of her performances (would you call them that?? ha ha)

Becky said...

Jill---why haven't you blogged about your injury? ....that would be a great one! (you must take a picture of your "fat" elbow:)

Jill Vaughan said...

I told Jeremy to take a picture of me on Friday night while I was laying on the couch with one leg in a heating pad while the other was being iced all the while trying to keep my arm from touching anything but he wouldn't!

tomi said...

That is so great! How FUN!!! High School Football is so much fabulous! We need to get you a t shirt that says "I love my Indianette!" hee hee!

And by the way.....what's this injury? I am so very curious!