Monday, January 28, 2008


I heard someone once say "if you can't do it well ~ do it cute!" Fortunately for Bailey's sake she has managed both. It's time again for rec basketball and once again Bailey is one of the best players on her team ~ pretty good especially considering she's the second smallest. She's amazing defensively and just happens to be one of our leading scorers too. It's so much fun to watch her play and Jeremy is convinced she will have no problem making the 7th grade "A" team.


tomi said...

OH MY!!! That sweet little Bailey! She is super precious and cute! Oh how I would love to get to see her play basketball! Thanks for giving me your BLOG, I will FOR SURE be checking out every day!

Anonymous said...

The Vaughan sports dominance continues!! Way to go Bailey.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Bailey. Maybe Mom and Dad can send some other pictures. I haven't forgotten the christmas presents. It maybe Christmas in July, but you will get them. Keep up the good work. Cama