Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

As you can see Bailey was the American girl doll Molly. Riley on the other hand...a ladybug! As soon as I picked him up from school yesterday he wanted me to take him to meet his friend, Nick, at Walgreens so they could buy costumes. Waiting until Halloween day to find something to wear has sort of become our norm so I was expecting it. Shopping at Walgreens with these two was pretty interesting. These boys were literally in the middle of Walgreens with no shoes on arguing about the best way to put on a dress!! It was hysterical, but I guess I shouldn't complain that my son doesn't know how to correctly put on a princess costume. Ultimately they decided on these two a ladybug and bumblebee costume that by the way are made for toddlers. I can't believe they could actually fit into them. Later we met my friend, Lori, to trick or treat in her neighborhood. We walked around with the little ones and set all the big boys off on their own. It was a lot of fun and of course the kids got way too much candy. When they were little I used to take most of their candy and throw it away!! Luckily they were so small they never noticed. Something tells me I won't be able to pull that off anymore...darn.

1 comment:

Glad said...

Riley is so funny! Bailey is just cute as a button. I tried to convince Kip to let me dress him up as a woman for Halloween... he wouldn't go for it. Not having a daughter, it would have been fun to put makeup on him, ha ha.