Monday, September 10, 2007

The "A" Team

You are looking at the new Keller Commanche "A" Team!! Friday night we took Riley and his friends out to Uno's to celebrate. We actually had a couple of people stop by and tell us how brave we were. There was a really funny mom moment that I won't describe in detail because it probably wouldn't be as funny but it involved flag football and bugspray!! Tonight is the first game ~ it's been raining all day so I hope it's not going to be cancelled ~ but hopefully I'll be able to blog again later. I'm soooo excited!! I grew up with three brothers who all played and a dad who loved the Redskins!!


Anonymous said...

That is a fierce looking bunch. Go Commanches!!!!


Cheryl's Cave said...

What's the A team?

marla said...

I hope Riley is having fun playing. I am sure he is really good. Keep te pictures coming. A lot more. This keeps me intouch. Thanx. What about mom, I loved the skins, and argued with your father to let you go to the Redskin parade for a few years. You remeber your Redskins umbrella?