Monday, July 2, 2007

Bailey's 9th!!

Today is Bailey's birthday, but Jeremy has school so we let her decide if she wanted to celebrate on Sunday or late tonight. She chose to go for Sunday so that we weren't rushed and tired. She opened her presents, helped make homemade pizza, ate cake, and then we all watched a movie. She was a little upset yesterday morning though because no one wished her a "Happy Non-Birthday!" The only thing she really wanted to do today was go swimming, so we rushed to the Pointe the moment the sun came out and were able to swim for about and hour and half before the thunder started again.


Becky said...

Happy Birthday Bailey! still have a present to open from us!....if I would have seen Bailey at church yesterday I would have sung to her for sure:)

Cheryl's Cave said...

Would you just look at that smile! Nine year olds seem to have a bigger smile than eight year olds.

Happy Birthday Bay!

Anonymous said...

cool another present

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great Birthday. People tell me that 9 is a good age. I can't be too sure because it was so long ago I can't remember. Jermemy remembers that age becuase it was only a year later that he started losing his hair.
