Thursday, March 22, 2007

Congrats to Bailey

In Texas all third graders are required to take and pass the reading TAKS test. Bailey has been a little nervous and even wondered if she would pass at all. Well, today we got her results and she received a commended performance - which means not only did she pass, but she only got one question wrong. So, Jeremy and I decided to take her out to dinner at Fresco's and celebrate. While we were there I learned how good she is at giving a massage. She's got pretty strong hands for an 8 year old. I wanted her to keep going, but she said it would cost me!


Cheryl's Cave said...

Bailey never ceases to surprise me. She and her brother are good at everything they attempt.
Grandma Mamie

phitaujustin said...

You finally found someone else to massage your back.........Im off the hook, Hurray!!!!!