Monday, September 12, 2011

How common is a name?

Riley, Riley, Maggie and Riley

I love the picture of Riley, Riley, Maggie and Riley! Almost immediately after finding out I was pregnant Jeremy and I started to think of baby names. Of course I didn't realize until the process started how much pressure would come with it. I mean I didn't want to end up with a name that was too common or one that was too uncommon. I didn't want to use a family name because I have three brothers and two sisters and Jeremy has three brothers, so how do you pick one without someone getting their feelings hurt. I didn't want a name that could be shortened or made into a nickname (if I was spending all the time and effort to come up with the perfect name I wanted it used). Then of course you have the ones Jeremy chose that I banned and vice versa. All of that just for a name, well really two because we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl yet. Around three months pregnant Jeremy found the name Riley. I didn't immediately love it, but I definitely didn't want it excluded either. Honestly, I just wasn't sure and I felt like I would be sure when the right name came along. Anyway, at 20 weeks I was told I was having a girl so all of our efforts went to that. So November 29 when our son was born we didn't have a name for him. I was pretty drugged so I don't remember what or if we called him anything other than baby boy Vaughan the whole first day. Day 2 the nurse walks in and needs a name for the birth certificate. I didn't want my son going home baby boy Vaughan so Riley Cameron it was. Now for those of you who know me well that is a huge accomplishment, because I tend to be somewhat indecisive :) We haven't meet many other Riley's along the way. Only a few here and there at school and they were mostly girls who spelled it different. So I find it pretty ironic that Riley now knows three Riley's all with the same spelling (two from school and his friend Maggie's older brother). I'm so glad we chose it because I LOVE his name. Though when he was little he went through a phase where he wished his first name was Cameron.