Sunday, October 31, 2010


Bumblebee Bailey

Riley a.k.a. John Mayer

For the past three years we've been getting together either at our house or Jesse and Colleen's to carve pumpkins. This year Colleen's family was over too so we had a lot of good carvings. Rudy wasn't a big fan of his pumpkin but loved the Cheerios :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chik-fil-A Premier Night

One day while I was at work one of my coworkers mentioned that the new Chik-fil-A in Alliance Town Center was giving away a year's worth of free food to the person who writes the best 100- word essay about Chik-fil-A. I like chicken and I like free stuff so I said, "Sure I'll write an essay." A couple of weeks after submitting my essay I received an invitation to Chik-fil-A Premier Night for free food, prizes and activities. This was beyond exciting. I was also able to bring Jill and the kids along with me. We had chicken sandwiches, chicken nuggets, waffle fries, sodas, brownies and milkshakes. I also won a beach towel for answering a Chik-fil-A trivia question. I didn't end up winning the raffle for the 1 year worth of free food but it was a fun night. You can read my essay below, I did it without any help.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, it was the age of chicken it was the age of beef. EAT MOR CHIKIN."

Jeremy ~ Guest Blogger

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

2010 Family Pics

Homecoming 2010

For some crazy reason Keller HS scheduled homecoming for a Saturday game. Well this causes the girl's a lot of we wear the mum on Friday to school or just to the game Saturday? I'm thinking the mum's are super expensive so let's wear them every chance we get :) Anyway, Amanda decided not to wear her mum to school Friday morning because last year homecoming was on a Saturday too and she did wear but apparently felt like most didn't. We drop the mum off on Thursday night because they're so big you have to figure out a way to wear it and the safety pins sure aren't gonna' hold it. Friday morning rolls around and of course every body's got there mum except Amanda. I get a call from Riley around 9 asking if I'll go to Amanda's house to get it for her. Of course I didn't mind. Problem is she doesn't have a key and I'm gonna' have to jump the gate!! That is definitely NOT a good idea so Riley volunteers to go and jump it for me, get inside, get the mum and then get back to school. All the while I'm supposed to be at work by 9:30 so the timing's looking really iffy. So yes I picked my child up from school to take him to break into his girlfriends house to get the mum and finally every body's happy :)

Learning to Mow

For whatever reason Bailey decided she wanted to learn to mow the lawn...crazy girl right! So here she is with Jeremy and doing a great job I might add.