Friday, April 30, 2010

Banquet Season

Apparently prom is far from the only formal event my kids will attend during their high school years. Every sport has their own banquet following it's season. So here are Riley and Amanda dressed and ready for her soccer banquet and Nadirah for Indianettes.

Pedicure Pampering

It's summer time in Texas and that means sandal season, so I decided to take Bailey in with me for her first pedicure. I introduced her to the joys of the pedicure including the massage chair, foot massage, and of course perfectly painted toes. My pedicure took a little longer so we got her a manicure too. By the end of the trip she was hooked! I guess I should've waited for her to get older because double monthly pedicures could get costly :) But it was so much fun and so worth the money for our mother/daughter date. I think I like having a daughter to enjoy the girly things in life.