Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fun Friday

On Friday night Jeremy got stuck in Dallas with homework. Oh how I can't wait for him to be done with school. Anyway the days tend to run long when he's gone all day and night, so the kids and I (minus Riley because of an injury to the hand) went roller skating. On Friday night at 9:00 they open the center of the rink for dancing too. Nadirah was so very excited! She loves anything to do with dancing and you can see her teaching Bailey and Fabian the Charlie Brown. The only way I could get her to leave was to bribe her with Sheridan's ice cream.

Friday, July 25, 2008

We Need the Tooth Fairy

Bailey has lost 3 teeth in July and she has at least two more loose!! This is a huge accomplishment because all but two of her teeth up to this point have had to be pulled. She has a really small mouth and doesn't have enough room yet. When she was little she lost her first two like normal but after that the dentist kept having to pull one at a time hoping to make some room before she needed it. But this past January she got an expander, which is apparently working, and for the first time since she was two or three her teeth are falling out all on their own....yay! Oh and by the way Bailey does not believe in the tooth fairy but that hasn't stopped her from wanting some money anyway :)

American Girl Store

The American Girl Store opened it's Dallas location at the end of 2007 and ever since I've planned to take Bailey. Well, yesterday all three of the other kids were busy with church stuff so it was the perfect opportunity to take her. We started off our girls day at Sam Moon, had lunch with Jeremy and then spent the rest of the afternoon at the Galleria. The store is huge!! You can browse through all the dolls, clothes, accessories, etc... There's a doll salon where you can have your doll pampered with a new hairstyle. Upstairs you can enjoy lunch and a snack at the Bistro. We easily spent a couple of hours enjoying the store. It was so much fun! When we set up Molly's hair appointment we were informed that Molly needed to go off to the hospital in order to spruce her up a bit (she's about five or six years old). So we changed her into a hospital gown, gave the doctor's their orders (change her head), sent her off and now we wait. Bailey was less than thrilled with leaving her. The last photo is Bailey with all of her loot. It's was hard to say no because I was having as much fun as she was.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My New Car

Jeremy bought me a new car!! I think he was definitely tired of trying to cram all six of us in the Camry or take two cars everywhere we went. Either way I'm thrilled and I love it. Bailey is the most excited about the new car because it was always her having to squeeze in with someone, Nadirah thinks the coin slot thing is super cool, Fabian likes riding in the third row and Riley doesn't really care but is glad to have the extra room. I absolutely hate making large purchases so not having to be a part of any of that just makes it even better for me.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Bailey's 10th

This year Bailey decided to have a slumber party for her 10th birthday (Bailey, Meagan, Caitlyn, Selena and Ashley). The girls had a lot of fun, stayed up way too late and definitely had way too much sugar! Sounds about right for a slumber party. She got tons of gifts but I think the funniest was clothes for Oliver. I'm not sure he thinks it's so great, but Bailey does. So Happy Birthday to Bailey again! I can't believe my youngest is now in double digits!!