Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ultimate Frisbee

Here we are at the park on Saturday playing ultimate frisbee. We love taking advantage of living within a block of a fabulous park. Not to mention the warm weather and the sun ~ both of which make me oh so happy!!

Papered Again

Apparently this is a scene we're going to have to get used to. We were driving home a few Saturday's ago (sorry I've been really busy lately and my blogs behind) and as we're turning the corner I think ~ no I actually said something like haha someone got papered. Of course this completely amused Jeremy as he wondered which of our 80 year old neighbors did I think was the victim:) Anyway we never actually found the culprit, so I assume it was a girl (the boy's always fess up sooner or later). They did however do a fabulous job adding not only paper but forks and tortillas on the roof.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Indianette Try-outs

These last two weeks have been crazy busy!! Nadirah is trying out for the Keller High School Indianettes (our drill team) and for the past two weeks she's had prep-clinics, mandatory meetings, a workshop to learn two routine's (jazz and kick), mock tryouts, and then finally the much awaited official tryout. Obviously, tryouts are pretty intense and very intimidating. They had to perform each routine in front of a panel of five judges. So I picked up Nadirah from school on Friday and rushed over to my friend April's to fix her hair and makeup. We had about ten minutes to get her ready and get her to the high school on time. We dropped her off, brought her dinner and roses for encouragement. Gave hugs and kisses leaving nothing else to do but wait. It took all the way until 9:00 to finish tryouts and another hour before the results were posted, but it was well worth the wait. She made JV Indianettes and we are so proud of her! She's really excited for herself, but some of her friends didn't make the cut. She will start practicing in May and her first football game performance will be in September. Sorry I don't have any pictures to post but I forgot my camera.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Last night I realized that Bailey had been M.I.A. for awhile, so naturally I went to look for her. Well, this is how I found her. She's been reading like crazy lately. It seems everytime we turn around she's back in her room with her dog and a book. She read the entire book in two days! I'm so glad my kids love to read because I didn't enjoy reading as a child though I love it now. I barely read the books I was assigned for class and don't ever remember reading for fun.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cute Pic!

There's not really a story behind this picture I just thought it was cute so I posted it.